
News and information archive

This page contains stories of previous learning-difference activities and articles of interest.

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St John Ambulance

sja-logo.gifLearning-Difference delivered dyslexia awareness training to over 120 St John Ambulance managers and staff from all over the UK in October.  Staff were there for their annual UK training and development weekend. Feedback from delegates was extremely positive: "the session was very well received to say the least, thanks for a great and informative session" National Training Manager, St John Ambulance.

Strategic review of sensory loss services published

bcclogo.gifLearning-Difference completed a major review of all services to adults with a sensory loss in Buckinghamshire.  Publicly funded services to adults who are Deaf, deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, blind, partially sighted, deaf-blind dual loss were all assessed in this far reaching review of services in the county. The results of the review were published at a special conference in 2008 and it is anticipated that a new service will be launched by Buckinghamshire County Council and its partners in late 2008/early 2009.

Carbon footprint awareness project

foodmiles-poster-A5.gifLearning-Difference is currently evaluating a new awareness pack for primary age schoolchildren about the carbon footprint of imported foods. Working with the Campaign to Protect Rural England in Northamptonshire, Learning-Difference helped CPRE to design the project, then researched and wrote the funding bid. Learning-Difference then researched and produced the main education pack. Now the project is at the stage of evaluating the pilot of the materials and the feedback is very positive.

Staffordshire gets disability confidence

scclogo.JPGstaffsconlogo.gifLearning-Difference has been working in Staffordshire in 2007 and 2008 to raise disability awareness and confidence with Staffordshire Youth Services and Staffordshire Connexions. Teams from across the county attended training sessions on dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism and other learning disabilities. Learners are given a foundation knowledge in the disabilities then look at how to work with the strengths and talents of individuals with these disabilities. They receive extensive materials and a CD to use as ongoing resources to support them in their work.


ntmdfc-logo.gifGOAL! was a successful pilot project that created a new pathway to employment in football for young adults with a disability.  By devising and promoting a programme of training and mentoring, it was able to demonstrate how young people with a disability could acquire skills and qualifications to become football coaches (or similar) and be role models in the community.  Learning-Difference helped Northampton Town Football In The Community to design the project and researched and wrote the funding bid.  Learning-Difference then evaluated the project.

N'TRAIN anti-racism football project enters evaluation stage

nfitcntrain.gifN'TRAIN is a project for Northampton Town Football In The Community that is working with children and young people from 25 schools in Northampton, secondary and primary, to raise awareness of racism using football coaching as the medium. The schools are all in areas with high deprivation and significant levels of cultural diversity (one school has over 100 languages used by pupils). Learning-Difference helped NTFITC to design the project and researched and wrote the funding bid.  Learning-Difference will be evaluating the project in the autumn of 2008. 

Accessible web-build project

screenshot-1-NDA-new-web.gifThe Dyslexia Accessibility Website Northamptonshire (DAWN) project fills a gap in local specialist information for organisations with dyslexic employees/learners in Northamptonshire.  By creating a local, fully accessible website with learning disability specific content, individuals and organisations are better placed to access/provide appropriate support at work and in learning. The website gives Northamptonshire Dyslexia Association a new site and is a model of good practice in terms of disability accessibility.  Learning-Difference worked with NDA to design the project, to research and submit the funding bid and to write new content.  Learning-Difference also managed the project for NDA bringing in one of Europe's top disability accessible web build teams. The site can be found on: http://www.northantsdyslexia.co.uk/     

NIACE website for dyslexia in adult education settings

niacelogo.gifLearning-Difference worked for NIACE (The National Institute for Adult Continuing Education) in winter 2007 as an external expert to audit the dyslexia parts of the web site and make proposals for enhancements for this new national government 'QIA excellence gateway' website. The comprehensive site entitled 'Framework for Understanding Dyslexia' is a multimedia resource for all people working in further and higher education.  The site can be found on: http://www.dfes.gov.uk/readwriteplus/understandingdyslexia/ 

INCA project is major boost for capacity of dyslexia group

Cropped-esf-logo.gifLearning-Difference worked with Northamptonshire Dyslexia Association during 2007 and 2008 to develop the association's capacity to support adults with dyslexia and their families, employers and learning providers.  Learning-Difference designed a development project, researched and drafted the funding bid then managed the project.  As well as managing the project, Learning-Difference worked with NDA to research and write new information and promotional materials, secured office space and equipment.  The project has seen the NDA continue to grow after project funding ended. 

Self-help guide for adults with dyslexia in 5 EU languages

INCLUDE-Book-ENG3-FINAL-1.gifINCLUDE-Book-cover-EN-final.gifLearning-Difference was sub-contracted by British Dyslexia Association to work on its Leonardo INCLUDE project during 2006 and 2007. Learning-Difference was responsible for production management of a self-help book in five EU languages. This included designing the book, writing some of the chapters, sub editing the English text translations and preparing the e-masters for production.